 A Continual is a new kind of human being with an uninterrupted identity that spans multiple lifetimes. Continuous identities over centuries give people greater personal sovereignty and freedom of expression.
Future life design is a new cognitive science for enhancing a person’s reincarnation skills and improving their upcoming lives. The work multiplies a person’s freedom and range of choices, opening a gateway to better future lives, and a channel for positive change today.
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Perpetual families: By preserving their accumulated knowledge across lifetimes, Continuals can build permanent family, business and social networks. Permanent family networks can allow family members to reunite with their loved ones in future lives.
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Continual wealth: Continual families can store wealth in their permanent family networks. This new wealth preservation vehicle can change inheritance paradigms, allowing reincarnating parents to inherit wealth from their children.
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Perpetual enterprises: Continuals can build permanent organizations across many different fields of human endeavor, including the arts and sciences, education and commercial enterprises. The ability to access the collective wisdom of generations of leadership will give these organizations superior advantages.
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Continual friendships: Continual networks will create new ways for people to make lasting connections with one another.
Permanent social networks will spawn a multitude of applications, including extended families, continual couples, perpetual friendships, and other revolutionary new social forms.
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 Continuals can cooperate in a global experiment to produce millions of cases of evidence and conclusive scientific proof of reincarnation. This result will constitute a watershed event in the progress of human civilization and will generate global demand for spiritual guidance and education.
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 Breakthroughs in reincarnation will help to close the wisdom gap between humanity’s collective spiritual wisdom and the accelerating pace of advances in technology. Greater wisdom will protect the human race by reducing the risks of misapplying more powerful technologies.
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Global view: Achieving conclusive scientific proof of reincarnation will legitimize India's wisdom traditions, reinforcing their relevance in today’s world.
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Youth: Exciting scientific breakthroughs in reincarnation can re-engage India’s younger generations into spirituality and draw them back to the treasures of their heritage.
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Golden age: Global acceptance of reincarnation as a scientific fact can open a golden age of wisdom for humanity, creating an explosive demand for spiritual guidance and teachers, and accelerating human conscious evolution.
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Future: Raising world awareness of future lives will galvanize public support of long range future initiatives such as green energy and environmental protection as people realize they will inherit the future.
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